The Effect of Promotion on the Sales of S3shop MSMES in Conggeang District, West Java
- Jurnal Internasional
- Lala Nurhayati1, Anne Lasminingrat2, Maria Lusiana Yulianti3, Deden Komar Priatna
- Dinasti Research, Vol 2, No. 3, July 2021, e-ISSN: 2721-3013, p-ISSN: 2721-3005
In this study there are two variables, namely Promotionas a free variable and sales as a bound variable. This research was conductedto be able to find out theeffect ofsales on S3shop MSMEs in Conggeang Kecaatan, West Java, and to find out how much influence promodi has on sales. The methods used in this study are descriptiveand verificative methods, data collection techniques obtained from primary data, namely through interviews and questionnaires. While secondary data is obtained from books, journals, the internet.To determine the magnitudeof the effect of promotion on satisfaction, statistical analysis with a simple Linear Regression formula and Coefficientof Determination was used using the IBM 25 SPSS program. Based on the results of the discussion on Promotion Against Sales and based on the results obtainedfrom the questionnaire answers, it turns out that the Promotionof Sales of S3shop MSMEs as a whole is very good because itshows a positive response. For the Effectof Promotion on Msmesales, astatistical test is used, based on calculations, it can be concluded that there is a very good influence between Promotionon Sales on S3shop MSMEsof 29.2% while the remaining 7.8% is influencedby Otherfactors
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