Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Motivasi Kerja dan Kompetensi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Studi Kasus pada Kecamatan Bandung Kulon Kota Bandung
- Skripsi Mahasiswa
- Aan Sopian
Name ; Aan Sopian, NPM ; 4122. Title ; The Influence of Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Competence on Employee Performance (Study in Bandung Kulon District, Bandung City), Thesis for Postgraduate Program, University of Winaya Mukti, Master of Management Study Program. under the guidance of.
The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze: (1) leadership style (2) work motivation; (3) Competence; (4) performance; and (5) The influence of leadership style, work motivation and competence on the performance of Bandung Kulon District Employees, Bandung City, either simultaneously or partially.
The research method used in this research is a descriptive survey and an explanatory survey, the unit of analysis in this research is the employees of Bandung Kulon Subdistrict, Bandung City with a sample of 33 people. The type of investigation is causality, and the time horizon in this study is cross-sectional.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that the leadership style of Bandung Kulon Subdistrict employees, Bandung City, it turned out that most of the members gave quite good responses, work motivation for Bandung Kulon Subdistrict employees, Bandung City in general, could be said to be good, Competence in Bandung Kulon Subdistrict employees, Bandung City in general. is good, the performance of Bandung Kulon Subdistrict employees, Bandung City is currently considered good. Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Competence simultaneously affect the performance of Bandung Kulon District Employees, Bandung City. However, partially dominant work motivation affects performance rather than leadership style and competence.
Because work motivation is more dominant in influencing performance, being the first priority in improving performance, the head of Bandung Kulon Subdistrict, Bandung City is expected to appoint good rewards and compensation to Bandung Kulon Subdistrict employees, Bandung City, so that they are able to work more professionally.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Competence and Performance
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